End of week 1,beginning Week 2


Yay let me start by saying 5 pounds is a great start. I still have not been able to work out “hardcore” or at all like I picture myself doing in my head but I have dropped down and done like 20 girl push ups, 20 crunches, 20 squats, and some arm weights at least 3 times that week. And although my “diet” started hardcore and strong I did ease up a little. For instance, I did have a cup of coffee with milk and a LITTLE sugar towards the end of the week. But I still made sure to not eat out (yesterday my husband did buy me a soft taco from tacobell which i was upset about but oh well i ate it) Clearly I still lost weight and didn’t go up so I will just not do that again lol. This week I hope to really add more “weight training” or cardio in and just keep eating healthy.

This is really frickin hard. Its not easy. I am queen of fast food pizza and burgers. Midnight drive thru’s and baking cookies.

The one whos “tried” everything and tried a million times and the one that “nothing” works on.

I will be the one who actually tries with no excuses this time and actually succeeds.

❤best of luck and love to all ❤

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