
I don’t know what it is about today but danggg have I been busier than normal.

But besides that, today is also DAY NUMBER 2 Of my “OFFICIAL” “REAL”TRYING HARDER FULL FORCE dieting. And HONESTLY I feel like it is getting easier to say No. I really hope I do and don’t become one of those cliche people that say oh you can do it anyone can do it, if I can do it you can do it, but you darn bet ya I do hope so because Mark my words as date number two and if you have been following, I have “tried” everything, I have failed, I have been unsuccessful, I have paid money for prescriptions that didn’t work, (Contrave being one, another example being a combination of topamax with a stimulate) I have tried that Garcinia Cambogia or whatever the heck its called lol. So I am trying to make this another one of those posts in history to look back on as proof of my struggle. *Only Day 2* For Breakfast I ate Toast with Egg on top with some Salsa on it. Lunch I had this little chicken wrap kit thing my husband bought me that said the whole bowl was 270 calories, I swear it was mainly lettuce and had like no chicken but whatever no complaints :), and dinner I had a real piece of grilled chicken wrapped in a real piece of lettuce with a few drips of ranch in it. Oh I also had Green tea with No sugar and black coffee again no sugar.

If anyone knows me they know i LOVE my coffee with LOADS of sugar and cream or Milk, and like 3-5 cups a day SO Eliminating the sugar the last 2 days is a HUGE accomplishment alone, and you know, I never thought I’d like it before clearly which is why I dolled it up so much but WOW its actually not THAT bad…

I have noticed I have cut out alot of pointless snacking through-out the day and as I mentioned saying NO to foods has become a lot easier… So honestly after many of many times tryinng before I feel this time MIGHT just be successful which is why I want this to be a mark in my journey to reflect back on, especially for anyone who thinks they cant. TRUST ME, its hard.

diets,nails,dresses again?

20150511_075026KOkay so my diet today went WELL. I started all hardcore like as if I could pull off the “military diet”

For lunch, oh man, I am not a cottage cheese eater. I sliced up banana and swallowed what I could and called it a day.

Then dinner was a few grilled chicken tenderloins my husband grilled up green beans and 2 mini red potatoes. So I ended it well

Update on the dress! I went to davids bridal and was able to exchange for a size 16! Yay and realized/came to the conclusion that in itself is an nsv. I lost a dress size with out losing any pounds and i shouldnt have been so upset.

Last note of the night. Another new product i learned about that is super cute and awesome and worth it to check out is jamberry.

Check out my friends page! stephssassyjams.jamberrynails.net
