Okay Okay I regressed…

I stopped temporarily on my weight loss after the wedding. I was happy enough to have dropped a whole dress size and IDK life happened, a lot of vacationing, eating, visitors, yeah. Stopped with the weight loss. I should have had more discipline I know. But at least I didn’t gain much than I had lost. But I am starting up again. I recently signed up with ItWorks! And now will be selling the product as well as using it and starting my own 90 day challenge, I would LOVE for others to join me along the way so we can share our progress and what products we are trying… if anyone would like to let me know! It will be fun. Maybe choose a work out video or something to do a few times a week and be weight loss buddies-group!


Mellysworld.com for my ItWorks page

MelsItWorks@hotmail.com for information feel free to email me, I am definitely looking for people to add to my team and grow! And also product testers as I mentioned to join me along the way.

Also, must note.. It is not just body wraps, there’s creams, stretch mark cream, vitamins for hair, nails, skin, anxiety, metabolism, carbs, cleansing etc, energy drinks, facials, A LOT and ALL natural products.

Much love to all!


Part of the reason of failure for me happens to be anxiety.

If I start craving something I get anxiety if I don’t get it. I will try to eat something healthier than what I am craving but the anxiety will cause me to keep eating until I am satisfied or I get what I am craving.

One of the main reasons, well the only reason I suppose, I haven’t been able to work out like I would like is my fear of going to the gym alone. I don’t know why but my anxiety gets crazy and I damn near get a panic attack. I can say I am going to go, get dressed, get in my car, pull up to the gym but I will not be able to get out. I recently got a gym membership and I haven’t gone ONCE. It has been OVER a month now. I feel like if I had someone to go with me the first time to at least get the initial freak out out of the way it will help conquer the fear and anxiety to keep going but I just haven’t done it yet.

I have tried going once by myself, I got on the tread mill, and after 5 minutes I almost had a panic attack and had to leave. I do not know what it is, but I will get over it. I will conquer this. I will be able to go to the gym so I can continue this journey of a healthier lifestyle and lose the weight I need to.

I wanted to address this issue now while I was still early in the journey so I can put it out in the universe and kick this anxiety’s butt. Say “SCREW YOU” I am outing myself, outing my gym anxiety and hoping it will help me overcome it so I can also look back in a couple of months and say HA. I did it. And if anyone else is like me and has this irrational fear as well, you can read this and see that is do-able. I have not done it yet, lol, but I will get there. . .We can all get where we want to be with the right mentality. Our minds are stronger than we can possibly imagine. So when you think you can’t possibly go ‘there’, you can.

*Of course I have anxiety in all sorts of situations I deal with, I was using my anxiety of eating and the gym in particular though for this post, everyone deals with anxiety in different ways and forms*

❤ Much Love and Peace to all ❤